Birth Chart Reading
A birth chart uses the date, time, and location of your birth to re-create a map of the sky at that moment. It can provide deep insight into your personality, motivations, and desires.
Yearly Horoscope
In the Yearly horoscope forecast, your birth horoscope is analysed according to the planetary movements which occur over the next year. This prediction describes the main planetary themes which are likely to dominate the year, and which may permeate virtually every area of your life.
Love & Relationship Horoscope
Read your love horoscope to learn about love, romance, relationships and compatibility between the signs in your birth chart so you can successfully navigate your love life.
Astrocartography analyzes the way your birth chart aligns with various cardinal points on planet Earth, it determines how specific places in the world will feel for you energetically.
Astrology Dice
A quick divination tool to attain planetary guidance to assist you in specific questions.
Tarot Card Reading
Another divination tool works through the unconscious mind, delivering messages through symbolism and archetypes.
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Red book for Astrology:
Beckey’s personal red book:
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